
Product Center

Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly


Component : 30% etoxazole

Agent type : Suspending agent

Package :100gⅹ40 bottles 500gⅹ20 bottles

  • Product Detail
  • Product introduction

    This product belongs to the class of 2,4-diphenyloxazole derivatives and is a ive acaricide. It is mainly to inhibit the embryo formation of mite eggs and the molting process from young mite to adult mite, so that the mite has excellent contact ability at different stages from egg, larva to pupae. When used at the registered dose, it has a good control effect on citrus tree red spiders.

    Using range and use method


    Control object

    Diluted multiples


    Sheath blight, rice disease

    14000 - 18000倍

    Directions for use:

    ★This product should be in the citrus red spider at the beginning of the peak application, pay attention to spray uniform and thoughtful to ensure the control effect.

    ★Strictly follow the prescribed dosage and method of use.

    ★This product should not be mixed with Bordeaux mixture.

    ★The safety interval of this product is 21 days when it is used in citrus trees, and it can be used for at most one time per season.

    ★Windy days or expected 1 hour in the river reputation, do not apply medicine.